Access Request

This Waiver Is a Legal Contract. Read It Carefully Before Submitting!

am the Participant named and/or the parent or legal guardian (“Guardian/Parent”) of the minor Participant named.

I understand and acknowledge that participating in any recreational activity, including but not limited to, such as hiking, riding, including animal riding and all types of vehicular riding, winter sports, camping, hunting, foraging, rock collecting, sightseeing, picnicking, nature study, nature contacting, recreational gardening, and viewing, enjoying historical, archaeological, scenic, natural, or scientific sites, participation in any event or use of any facilities (the Activity), results in certain physical risks to me, and to my property, regardless of all feasible safety precautions which may be taken by me, or by the landowner and their agents and employees (the Sponsor). I understand that the term “Sponsor” includes the Sponsor identified above, its members, officers, directors, agents, servants, and employees and, if not owned by the Sponsor, the owners of the land on which the Activity is taking place (that land, the “Property”).

In consideration of being allowed to enter onto the property, said property being more specifically described as the Southeast 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 20 Township 1 North Range 2 East Salt Lake Base and Meridian commonly known as Freeze Creek Forest, or to participate in the Activity, IF I OR THE PERSON FOR WHOM I AM SIGNING THIS CONTRACT IS INJURED participating in the Activity or while present on the Sponsor’s property, I ACCEPT, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE TO BE LEGALLY BOUND by the promises set forth below.

  • I understand that the Activity may be INHERENTLY DANGEROUS.

  • I have the skills and health for participation in the Activities and will at all times participate within my ability.

  • I understand that under Utah Code Annotated (U.C.A.) 57-14-201, the Sponsor as an owner of land owes no duty of care to keep the land safe for entry or use by any person entering or using the land for any recreational purpose or to give warning of a dangerous condition, use, structure, or activity on the land.

  • I understand that under U.C.A. 57-14-202(1), the Sponsor does not: (a) make any representation or extend any assurance that the land is safe for any purpose; (b) confer upon the person the legal status of an invitee or licensee to whom a duty of care is owed; (c) assume responsibility for or incur liability for any injury to persons or property caused by an act or omission of the person or any other person who enters upon the land; or (d) owe any duty to curtail the owner’s use of the land during its use for recreational purposes.

  • I recognize my responsibility to INSPECT trails and other facilities within the Property, to exercise GOOD JUDGMENT, to ACT RESPONSIBLY, and to OBEY all of the oral or written guidance, instructions, signage, and warnings. I understand it is my responsibility to be aware of changing conditions and inspect trails and other facilities before use and throughout the day. I will not use individual trails and other facilities when closed.

  • I accept responsibility and liability for participation of any and all minors I invite into the Activity. I agree to instruct and direct the minors according to the promises set forth herein. I agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the Sponsor from any and all demands, actions, judgements, injunctions, orders, directives, penalties, assessments, leins, liabilities, losses, damages, injury, costs (including but not limited to litigation expenses) arising or resulting from or caused by any acts or omissions by minors I invite into the Activity (or by any person for whom I am responsible) during, involving, or related to my participation in the Activity.

  • I WILL NOT CLAIM that I paid a charge for participating in the Activity or entering the Property.

  • I WILL NOT SUE the Sponsor.

  • I EXPRESSLY, FULLY, AND FOREVER RELEASE AND DISCHARGE the Sponsor from any and all liability for any or all injuries, losses, and damages to my person and property, from any claims or cause of action that may be brought by me or by any other person (including but not limited to Participant’s estate, family, successors, heirs, representatives, administrators and/or assigns) sustained as a result of my participation in the Activity upon the Property to the fullest extent permitted by the law.

  • I WILL INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Sponsor from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs, expenses, loss, damages, liabilities, or cost of any kind, including attorney’s fees, arising out of, or connected with, or resulting from my participation in the Activity upon the Property and to reimburse the Sponsor for any such expenses incurred.

  • I AGREE THAT THE ABOVE PROMISES ARE LEGALLY BINDING even if I contend that my injuries are wholly or partly the result of NEGLIGENCE or other CONDUCT on the part of the Sponsor for which a release is not contrary to public policy.

  • I voluntarily ASSUME THE RISK OF ANY AND ALL LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE TO MY PERSON OR PROPERTY, INJURY OR EVEN DEATH resulting from my participation in the Activity or entering the Property. If I am injured, I authorize the Sponsor to provide EMERGENCY FIRST-AID and any medical or first aid personnel to provide MEDICAL CARE until such time as I or someone authorized by my medical care power of attorney or otherwise by law is able to act on my behalf. I agree to be financially responsible for any medical bills incurred as a result of emergency medical treatment. I certify that I have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage I may suffer or cause while participating in the Activity, or else I agree to bear the cost of such injury or damage myself.

  • I AGREE that the promises set forth above also apply to any LOSS OF OR DAMAGE to any of my belongings for which Sponsor may be legally liable in connection with the Activity including any transportation or storage.

  • I release to Sponsor and authorize Sponsor to produce, reproduce, broadcast, and otherwise use PHOTOS, VIDEOS, and other depictions, likenesses, or images of me, in any media form in connection with my attendance at or participation in the Activity, without compensation, for an unlimited duration.

  • I understand that the terms of this form are unlimited in duration and cover all Activities that I participate in at any time in the future.

  • I agree that this Agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Utah and that if any portion hereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. The Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Utah, without regard to conflicts of laws principles. Venue for any lawsuits, claims, or other proceedings between the Parties relating to or arising under the Agreement shall be exclusively in the State of Utah.

    All signers will receive a fully executed copy of the agreement sent to the email address provided in the agreement. A digital record of this agreement will be retained for purposes of complying with the ESIGN Act of 2000, codified as 15 U.S.C. 96, and can be reproduced as required by submitting a written request to obtain a paper copy of the electronic record. No fee will be charged for such copy and no special hardware or software is required to view it.

    Participation of Minors