Original Survey Plats and Notes

1882 Cadastral Survey Plat Map of T1N R2E SLB&M

Property lines around the SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Section 20 for the 40 acre Freeze Creek property appear on the Original Cadastral Survey Plat of Township 1 North, Range 2 East, Salt Lake Meridian (BLM GLO DM ID 370866) by Ferdinand Dickert approved April 28, 1882.

The General Land Office annotated the 1882 plat map with the notation “Reserved to Fort Douglas U.S.M.B., see Hon. Com. Letter E March 31, 1890” and depicted the boundaries of the Subject Property with frontage upon the Right-of-Way.

1881 Field Notes from the Survey of T1N R2E SLB&M

The Original Survey Plat depicts a road to the parcel along Freeze Creek described in the 1881 survey notes as a wagon road over Section 28 connecting to a “road to Stone Quarry” over much of the existing Pioneer Fork Road (Book A-185, page 75).

Field Notes of Subdivisions T.1N R.2E. Chains east on a random line bet. Sec. 20 and 29 from December 15, 1881 describes “Creek 10 in. 1 link wide 2 in. deep runs S.” at 67.00 chains and “old road bears N to S.” at 67.50 chains (Book A-185, page 91).

1881 Field Note Distances – 20 and 29

“Chains North bet. sec. 28 and 29” recorded on December 11, 1881 describes “road bears NW and S. East” at 46.00 chains north of the south section line along side “Dry Creek 3 ft. 4 links wide 1 ft. deep Drains SE” noted 43.00 chains north (page 75). At 36.00 chains north the “Wagon road N.E. & S.W.” is described in the approximate location of the Jeep Trail depicted on the 1961 USGS Mountain Dell Quadrangle over the existing Emigration Estates Road and N Twin Creek Circle. The location of the Old Quarry Road is described as “Wagon road N.E. & S.W.” 9.60 chains north of the south section border over what is today Pioneer Fork Road.

1881 Field Note Distances – 28 and 29

Another segment of Pioneer Fork Road is recorded on December 14, 1881, “Chains east on a random line bet sects 29 and 32” note “road bears S.W. & N.E” at 72.30 chains (page 85).

1881 Field Note Distances – 29 and 32

Field Notes of Subdivisions T.1N. R.2E. Chains North bet. sec. 28 and 29 on December 11, 1881 describes a “Wagon road N.E. & S.W.” 9.60 chains north of the south section border running over what is today Pioneer Fork Road. At 36.00 chins north another “Wagon road N.E. & S.W. ” in the approximate location of the 1961 Jeep Trail. The location of “Dry Creek 3 ft. 4 links wide 1 ft. deep Drains SE” is noted 43.00 chains north followed by another “road bears NW and SE” at 46.00 chains north of the south section line (Book A-185, page 75).

1881 Field Note Distances – 31 and 32

The first segment of Pioneer Fork Road branching off Emigration Canyon Road is also recorded on December 14, 1881, “Chains from [illegible] to secs 31 and 32” note “Bottom of Brigham Gulch Drains S.W. road bears N.E. & S.W. [illegible]” at 13.00 chains (page 83).

1886 Field Notes of T1N R2E SLB&M

1886 Field Note Distances – 20 and 29

Subdivisions T.1N. R.2E. was later surveyed by Otto E. Salomon on August 3, 1886. Notes for the “Eastern random resurvey line bet Sec 20 & 29” indicated “Road bears N & S” at 12.90 chains and “Creek 2 links wide 2’ deep Runs S” at 13.40 chains (Book A-218, p. 346).

1891 Cadastral Survey Plat Map of T1N R2E SLB&M

The 1891 Cadastral Survey and Original Plat Map of T1N R2E both depict a wagon road crossing through the 40 acre Freeze Creek property owned by Lloyd G. Johns at the time and continuing above Freeze Creek into the NE1/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 20 approaching the shoulder of a point named Sandstone Peak.